
Before Jet, there was Eric. He was my first love, first real relationship ever, to be quite honest. Believe it or not, I met him off a dating site as well;

My friend was heavy into the dating sites, and introduced me to a few. Did I take them serious? Hell no. I used them as a source of entertainment, much like many would Facebook, or other games on your phones these days. Back in 2005, I was scrolling through guy photos, and I saw his. At first, I clicked "No" and then for some reason, like it mattered, I clicked back on my browser, and clicked "Yes" instead. God only knows why I did that, and what urged me to. To be honest, it wasn't a very flattering picture of him, but I did what I did.

Almost immediately, we were messaging and exchanged numbers. That began a lengthy texting/phone relationship. He was from Greensboro, NC, which was an hour or so from where I was living at the time, Charlotte, NC, while I attended college at UNCC. I didn't know anybody from Greensboro, NC besides one girl who was in my friendship circle. Kristi. It was awhile before I mentioned Eric to anybody, and, yet when I randomly decided to ask Kristi if she perhaps knew him, even though I knew Greensboro was a large city, she actually responded with "Yes." That shocked me. Out of all the people I'd met at college, I met one person from Greensboro that happened to know the one guy I matched up with on the Internet from there that I had connected strongly with. What are the odds?

When that happened, I felt more comfortable with meeting him sooner than later. I had kept him waiting for months. Of course, I'd never met anyone online then offline like that before. I was still young, and the news was filled with horror stories of what has happened when people do that type of stuff.

One night, when I had a night class, he told me to let him know when I was back from class, and as soon as possible. Of course, I normally would've rushed back to talk to him, but this night I didn't. I got myself some dinner and relaxed a bit before contacting him. I wasn't feeling my best, but, when I did, we were talking on the phone while I was adjusting my blinds, and, he asked what I was doing, and when I told him what I was doing, he acted odd, like "hmmm." It was unusual. Then he asked what I saw when I looked out my window. The apartment building was old, and the windows were dirty, to where I couldn't wash them from the inside, unfortunately, so I was used to not being able to see out at night really. I could hear him moving, and, something just told me to ask, "Why are you asking me these things?" I knew something was up. And, then I just was like "Wait, are you here? You're not actually here, are you?" And, the way my apartment was set up was that my window faced the parking lot, but, my front door faced away from it, so as I pretty much ran out my door, and rounded the corner, there he was walking down the hill........and we immediately hugged and I was just in SHOCK. Nobody had ever surprised me like that, and no I was not scared. FYI, I had told him the campus apartments I lived in, so he knew the general area of where I lived. I just never expected him to show up and surprise me like that!

Eric and I dated for a short period of time, and during that time, I lost my virginity to him. I was 19. We had our issues, and seeing as he was the first relationship I'd really been in, I had no idea what I was doing and what I was getting into. Gotta start somewhere right?

Eric came in and out of my life from 2005 until 2008. We dated on and off, and, I always felt like he was my true love. Looking back, I realize he treated me well, but at the same time, he had his temper, and reactions and just behaviors that I was never 100% comfortable being myself around.

We dated the first half of 2008 pretty much. At the end of May, around my birthday (May 22), he was leaving for a big trip to Thailand for about a month. He didn't acknowledge my birthday, and, I spent a great deal of time with him before he left, knowing the time apart and space would be good for us, but in the back of my mind, I was ready to let him go. I had never been the one to walk away, but I was ready to this time. It was scary, but I had to do it and I knew this was my chance to do it.

I took it upon myself to not keep in touch much with him while he was gone, although he made points to contact me, which I didn't refuse, but I just didn't make the extra effort to reach out to him. We'd planned for me to get him at the airport when he returned, because nobody else could, and I was committed to doing that. I never thought I'd meet someone like Jet while he was gone. I didn't plan on trying to meet anyone. I was just ready to move on from him. Not to mention, Eric had actually bragged about sleeping with this girl in Thailand because it was apparently a once in a lifetime experience and he was looked at like this GOD over there having good money, and spending it on all the ladies and people there. That completely gave me closure.

Just to let ya'll know, Jet was informed about Eric that first night we met. I was very honest with him. I told him I was done with him, and that Eric had been an on and off thing for years, and I was just done with it. Sometimes you just get to that point.

I chose Jet. Although I was done with Eric, Eric really wasn't aware of that. I wasn't cheating on him because things were never so official with us. We were just basically something but nothing so official. It was casual, but we were just essentially exclusive at the time. I'm not making any coy excuses, but that's just how it was between us. That's how it always was when we were involved with each other.

Anyways, Jet basically was telling me now or never, he wasn't waiting, and I'd already made my decision before he had to say those things. But, I did have a responsibility to pick up Eric from the airport. I was telling Jet, "This is stupid. I don't even want to pick him up." But Jet actually understood. And we talked all the time while I was there. I pick Eric up, and he's acting like nothing ever happened, and I have never felt so disconnected and so different with him. Never had I chosen someone over Eric, but things had changed. Eric is raving to me about his trip, and he ends up crashing. It was probably near 1 AM and I was too tired to go home, so, I end up crashing on the couch out in their den. I didn't want to sleep in the same bed with him, yet I could've. It felt wrong. I was on the phone with Jet all night, and I didn't care. After I went back home the next day, I definitely drifted from Eric and stopped talking to him, and he got the point eventually. I admitted what was going on at some point, and, of course, he was bothered and taken back, but I told myself this felt right, and I went with it. I had no fear or worry which was incredibly unusual for me.

Of course, that wasn't the last I'd ever hear of Eric.
