
I've never had a first date like that. The chemistry was on point. The connection was instantaneous. The butterflies were constant. There was also a sense of being so carefree and I had no fear. I felt safe even though we had just met. 

Online dating can be tricky, nerve racking and plain scary sometimes. I've gotten lucky in that the few men that I've met through dating sites turned out to be pretty amazing in their own ways. I met "Jet" off PlentyofFish.com aka POF as people call it these days. Before there were all these phone apps, we took to the actual website. 

We didn't talk on the site for but a few messages back and forth. He was adamant about taking the conversation offline and so we exchanged numbers. Texting began, and then it seemed even though I'm not someone who really enjoys talking on the phone much, he and I would talk for hours every night on the phone.  This probably carried on for a week, and I had mentioned wanting to go to a local concert but had nobody to go with because it wasn't a big blowout event, but a local band I'd been trying to see for awhile. It was odd of me to be forward enough to mention it to him and I may have even been the one to ask him out or suggest he go with me. Totally out of character. He accepted. 

Some people tend to click and connect on a mental level way beyond what's expected, and the first time I felt our mental connection was within this first week. And before you just write me off as a crazy woman, let me explain. We had a regular routine it seemed. He'd call in the evening and we'd talk for awhile on the phone. It was like clockwork, even if it had only been about a week. One night I didn't hear from him around the time I normally did, and, something inside felt off, like something was wrong. I didn't bother him or question it because why would I? We hadn't met, and, we were just chatting, flirting, and I could always back out of meeting him, right? Turns out, he ended up calling later on, and, I could tell almost immediately something was wrong. This was my first inclination that I had this crazy connection with someone I'd never met, and my intuition was on point.

His mother had been admitted into the hospital. Apparently it wasn't the first occurrence, and she had been tangled in drug and alcohol problems for as long as he'd ever known. This time was different though. It was apparently much more serious than it had ever been. I think our plans were set for the next night or night after and I went to cancel on him, considering the circumstances. He refused. The way he described it was my mom wouldn't want me sitting beside her wallowing in what she's going through; she'd rather me be out on a date having fun. So, the plans were still on. I was kind of hoping he'd comply with my request, because I was so nervous! 

The plan was for me to meet him outside the hospital parking deck. The main uptown hospital was maybe 20 minutes from my apartment, and, he'd follow me in his car to the venue where the concert was. Seems safe right? We do just that. I remember either texting or calling with him and he follows me to the venue. I remember being at the stoplight right outside the hospital, with him in a lane beside me or behind me, I can't remember which, and literally saying out loud to myself, "He'll do for tonight," not expecting it to go as far as it did, or for him to still be around 10.5 years later.

We arrived at the venue, parking right next to one another, and, from the moment he steps out of the car, it was the same way we are now. He's the same cocky, charismatic guy he was back then, trying to make me smile, laugh, show off, etc. He grabbed a hold of my hand as we were walking into the venue, and I literally had JUST met this guy so I pull my hand away. Then he grabs it back. I didn't let go this time. He was a determined dude. 

The night seems to be a blur thinking back now but there are key moments that I recall like our first kiss, the dip and kiss, and just looks we gave each other like we'd known each other forever.

Our first kiss is still a laugh for us today. I went in, and MISSED! I was leaning against the bar, with my back against the bar, as he relaxed in front of me, with both arms on either side of me. He was close enough to where he could've kissed me and gone in himself, but he was luring me in, so I always say he was making me make the first move and kiss him, but once I did, he moved his face, ever so slightly. I think it was always intentional for him to maybe embarrass me a little bit and make a laugh, but then he said with a smirk, "Wanna try that again?" and that was it. I was hooked.

Another awesome moment was he dipped me and kissed me in the middle of the floor. I remember an older woman whispered in my ear that she was so jealous that no man had ever done that, and went on to say I was so lucky and how good looking he was. Of course I loved this, and I was constantly full of smiles all night. It was pretty amazing, and unexpected.  

When it was time to leave, he followed me back to my apartment, and, things went on from there.

I'm going to be honest here. I didn't expect this to be anything but a fun night. One night. I didn't expect a relationship from this, and neither did he. It was just going to be a one night stand probably. But, as I described above, we were both so in sync it felt. 

We had sex all night, talking in between, no sleep, and with all the talking we did, it was no longer just a one night fling. It was so much more.
